Everywhere I look, I see organizations embracing AI with enthusiasm, pouring resources into technology, hiring Chief AI Officers, and drafting bold AI strategies. Yet, despite the excitement, so many of these efforts seem to be missing a crucial piece – people. In my own professional experience, particularly within the charitable sector, I see firsthand how AI adoption is often approached as a technical upgrade rather than a fundamental shift in how work gets done. Without a thoughtful people strategy, even the most advanced AI tools will fall flat.
In the nonprofit world, the stakes are even higher. Unlike corporations that can afford to invest heavily in AI-powered efficiencies, many charitable organizations operate under tight budgets and rely heavily on human-driven decision-making, storytelling, and trust-building. AI can certainly enhance impact – whether by improving donor engagement, streamlining grant applications, or optimizing operational efficiencies – but none of that matters if the people responsible for implementation are not equipped to use it effectively. When AI initiatives overlook workforce readiness, they don’t just fail; they create confusion, inefficiencies, and mistrust.
AI itself is not the challenge – it is how we integrate it into human workflows. I have seen teams hesitate to use AI tools, either out of fear of replacing their own judgment or because they simply were not given the training to use them effectively. There is often a fundamental disconnect between the expectations of AI adoption at the leadership level and the lived experience of employees on the ground. Organizations focus on launching AI systems but underestimate the need to equip people with the skills and confidence to use them. If employees are not upskilled, reskilled, and engaged in the AI journey, the result is resistance, inefficiency, and unrealized potential. Just as organizations faced during the ERP revolution decades ago, gaps in data literacy, workforce capabilities, and organizational culture are now preventing AI from delivering on its promise.
The paradox is stark. AI makes the need for upskilling greater than ever, yet learning and development budgets are being cut. Too often, organizations mistake content delivery for capability-building. There is an assumption that providing access to AI training materials or digital courses will automatically lead to skill development. But content consumed does not equal skills developed, let alone a culture shift. In my own work, I have seen this firsthand—organizations rolling out AI tools while expecting employees to figure them out on their own, as if exposure alone will drive expertise. True capability-building requires more than access to information; it demands structured, hands-on learning that helps employees develop confidence in their evolving roles.
Leaders need to be asking: In our AI strategy, where is our people strategy? What is our plan for preparing employees to work alongside machines, collaborate with AI agents, and navigate an evolving technological landscape? The nonprofit sector, in particular, thrives on the power of human connection. If AI is to support this mission, organizations must invest in helping their people embrace and shape the technology, rather than seeing it as something imposed upon them. Without a clear roadmap for talent development, AI becomes an isolated, top-down initiative rather than a meaningful transformation.
AI integration is not just about the tools an organization adopts – it is about the culture it fosters around those tools. Just as companies took years to realize meaningful returns on ERP systems due to gaps in skills and culture, organizations today must recognize that AI adoption is not a plug-and-play solution. It requires ongoing investments in learning, structured frameworks for human-machine collaboration, and a workplace culture that sees AI as an enabler of human expertise, not a substitute for it.
The most forward-thinking organizations understand this. They do not treat AI as just another IT upgrade, but as a catalyst for redefining work. They recognize that the success of AI is not measured by the sophistication of the technology itself, but by how well their people are prepared to harness it. Those who take AI adoption seriously will lead the transformation. Those who neglect the human side of AI will find themselves with powerful tools – and a workforce unprepared to use them.
Strategy is mastery.
And in AI adoption, mastery is not just about having the best technology – it is about ensuring that the people within your organization are ready to make that technology work for them.
Manu Sharma
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